African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church

Baltimore District Voter Registration Committee

Kim Elliott, Co-Chair
Prince Georges County Coordinator

Chuck Williams,
Montgomery County Coordinator

Peggy Gullette
Baltimore City Coordinator

Francine Jefferson
Baltimore County Coordinator
Voter Registration Forum Recording & Resources
Project 100 - The Project 100 initiative of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church aims to have 100% of Zion's eligible voters actively engaged in the voting process.
Black Church 75 - voter turnout movement of the Religious Affairs Department of the National Action Network in partnership with the Conference of National Black Churches with the goal of mobilizing at least 1,000 black churches in America to register and turnout 75% of their eligible voters.
Dr. Barbara Shaw,
Past International President Women's Home & Overseas Missionary Society
Past President & Chair of National Council of Negro Women
Rev. Kobi Little, President, Baltimore NAACP
Janet Thompson-Ross
Information Technology Manager Montgomery County Board of Elections